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Prenatal Care

About Prenatal Care

At Women’s Health at Valley View, we are dedicated to our patients and to helping women experience healthy and happy pregnancies. With prenatal care, we can meet with expecting mothers at the beginning of their first trimester and provide care all the way through childbirth. Our experienced team of board-certified OB/GYNs and certified nurse midwives will review your medical history, request laboratory tests, and perform a physical examination at your initial visit and provide you with a calendar of when to attend your regular prenatal care visits. At our locations in Glenwood Springs, Basalt, Eagle, and Silt, CO, we are passionate about providing the highest level of women’s health and prenatal care for all expecting mothers. To schedule your initial consultation, we invite you to contact one of our Colorado locations, and we welcome you to the beginning of your beautiful journey to motherhood!

Treatment Details

During your initial prenatal consultation, we will request blood work, evaluate your medical history, and perform a physical exam. Additionally, we may request additional testing and will set you up with additional follow-up exams as your pregnancy progresses. Our skilled and certified team will also be able to answer any questions that you may have regarding your pregnancy and what you can expect, including when to schedule ultrasounds, dietary restrictions, the changes you will begin to notice each trimester, and more.

Family Participation

During your visits to our practice, we encourage you to bring along family members to some of your visits. Fathers are always welcome and children may enjoy listening to their sibling’s heartbeat. However, during more extensive visits, it may be best to arrange childcare for them, and during some visits, your OB/GYN may request alone time with the expecting mother. In general, it is your decision on who you would like to accompany you during your visits, but we do request that you limit the number of additional people in the exam room.

What to Expect

If this is your first pregnancy, we may encourage you to attend childbirth classes with your partner during the last couple of months of your pregnancy. It is also important to note that your prenatal care visits will become more frequent as you get closer to your due date so that both you and your baby can be closely monitored. If you have any questions throughout your pregnancy, we are always available to answer them by phone or in person at your visit.

Healthy and Happy

Prenatal care is essential to a healthy and happy pregnancy not only for you but also for your unborn baby. At our Colorado facilities, we are dedicated to helping you experience exceptional prenatal care and we are always available to answer any questions that you may have throughout your pregnancy. Contact Women’s Health at Valley View today to schedule your initial prenatal care consultation.
