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Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical birth performed by making an incision in the abdomen and uterus. It is used when a vaginal delivery is not possible or if there are safety concerns for you or your fetus. A C-section may be recommended for a number of different reasons prior to and sometimes during labor. Regardless of the reason for C-section, Women’s Health and the FBP strive to create a family-centered, baby-friendly C-section experience for you and your baby. C-sections are performed in a dedicated operating room within the Family Birthplace, and we encourage you to invite your partner or support person to accompany you. A VVH pediatrician will attend the delivery and all newborn assessments and care are completed in the operating room (OR) so that you may initiate skin-to-skin contact with your new arrival as soon as possible.

If your delivery plans include a planned C-section you will be scheduled for a pre-operative appointment during one of your obstetrics visits. This longer appointment will allow you time to review the surgical consent with your surgeon and to review your questions and what to expect the day of delivery.

The day of your scheduled c-section:

You will check in at the FBP no later than 6 a.m. Once you arrive, you will change into a gown, get an IV started and have blood work drawn. If you have a support person accompanying you during the C-section, they will be given any special clothing required for the OR. When it is time for surgery, FBP staff will accompany you to the OR where you will receive anesthetic to numb the lower half of your body while you remain awake. This means you will be awake to meet your baby the moment they are born. Sterile drapes will be placed around your legs and abdomen and a curtain will be raised just above your abdomen which blocks your view of the operating field. VVH offers a clear curtain for those patients who do not wish to have their view obstructed. Once anesthesia is administered and the sterile field is draped, your support person will be invited to join you in the OR before surgery begins.

A C-section takes about one hour from start to finish, and baby will usually be born 5-10 minutes after the C-section begins. Your baby will be lifted up for you to see as soon as they are delivered. A Valley View pediatrician will be present in the OR to immediately evaluate your baby and provide any necessary care without leaving the room. Your support person is welcome to watch this assessment and take pictures of your baby. After a quick assessment, baby will be brought to you for skin-to-skin contact and will remain with you unless they require extra care right away. Your OB/GYN will place dissolvable stitches to close your uterus and the incision on your skin will be closed with either stitches, staples or glue before being covered by a bandage.

After surgery you will spend about an hour in the FBP recovery area next to the OR with your support person and baby while recovering from surgery. If you are planning to breastfeed, this can be done right away. Once you are stable, you will be moved to your postpartum room where you will be able to welcome visitors and continue to recover until you and baby are ready for discharge.

After a C-section you should plan to stay in the hospital for 2-3 nights. To enhance your recovery, we will strongly encourage you to get up within six hours following surgery and to walk at least three times per day around the unit after that. You should plan to have an appointment at one of our Women’s Health clinic locations one week after your C-section to check on your incision.
