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Iliopsoas Tendonitis & Snapping Hip

ValleyOrtho’s experienced team of physicians treat a large variety of hip injuries and conditions, including iliopsoas tendonitis and snapping hip.


Snapping hip is a general term that describes a snap or click in the hip that occurs with certain movements such as raising and lowering the leg or twisting of the hip.


Tendonitis, or inflammation of the iliopsoas tendon (hip flexor tendon), is a common source of the problem. This tendon drapes over the front of the hip socket and can become inflamed from injury or overuse. In some cases the hip socket is too prominent (a pincer impingement) causing tendon irritation. As the inflamed tendon rubs over the bone of the hip socket, it can catch, causing a painful click, which can be felt and sometimes heard.


Iliopsoas tendonitis is characterized by pain and clicking or snapping in the groin or front side of the hip. Because the iliopsoas muscle acts as a hip flexor, symptoms are often worse when bending the hip, especially against resistance. The iliopsoas tendon is fairly close to the skin, so the front of the hip area or groin may also be tender to the touch.


The hip specialists at ValleyOrtho can often diagnose iliopsoas tendonitis based on reported symptoms and with a thorough physical examination of the hip. Imaging (x-ray and MRI) is generally not required.


The treatment of iliopsoas tendonitis depends on the severity of inflammation of and trauma to the tendon.

In mild cases, iliopsoas tendonitis may be treated with activity modification, anti-inflammatories, referral to physical therapy and/or a cortisone injection.

In more severe cases, this condition may be treated with arthroscopy to remove the inflamed tissue and release the tendon or to remove bone growths around the hip joint.

September 20, 2019

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