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Travis Klein, ACHPN, DNP, AG-ACNP

    • Practice: Valley View Palliative care
    • Position: Nurse Practitioner
    • Primary Specialty: Palliative Care
    • Languages Spoken: English
    • Gender: Male

About Travis

Travis Klein, DNP, AG-ACNP, ACHPN is an acute care nurse practitioner in Palliative Care. He earned his bachelor of science in nursing from University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, followed by doctor of nursing practice degree at University of Kentucky.

Prior to joining Valley View, Travis held positions at HopeWest Hospice, St. Mary’s Hospital and Optum Health Care as a hospice and palliative care nurse practitioner.

In his role in palliative care, Travis helps patients adapt to various forms of medical crisis, both big and small. “In the hospital I encounter patients in the course of some kind of serious illness, it could be cancer or the later stages of heart failure,” he says. “People in later stages off illness or disease often need more support, as these conditions are stressful to manage. We are there to support not just the patient, but their loved ones who are dealing with the patient’s symptoms and making difficult decisions. In the clinic, families not at a crisis point, but are in active treatment that is often burdensome. There I can still be supportive and create a relationship with the goal of keeping people out of the hospital and living their best lives.”

Travis is also a psychedelic-assisted therapist and facilitator. “I advocate for broader access to regulated psychedelic services and support people seeking and receiving this care.” Additionally, Travis is a facilitator for Medical Aid in Dying in Colorado (MAiD), which gives a person control in their dying process and aligns with comfort- focused goals, a tool that will allow death to come but without distressing symptoms. “After years as an ICU nurse, talking to and supporting family members at the bedside, seeing what their loved one was going through, I was drawn to that supportive role,” he says.

Originally from Iowa, Travis is currently a member of Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association and is a volunteer on the Mesa County Advance Volunteer Care Planning Taskforce. Travis has lived on the Western Slope since 2018. Outside of work, he, his wife and son enjoy climbing, mountain biking and all the outdoors has to offer.

  • College
  • University of Kentucky Lexington, KY
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