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Vestibular Therapy: Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Glenwood Springs, Carbondale and Willits, Eagle, New Castle and Silt

Helping you find relief from dizziness

Dizziness can be an incredibly uncomfortable and disabling symptom that may interfere with many daily activities as well as increase the risk of falling. It can make you feel disoriented, and may come with nausea or headaches. There are several different causes of dizziness, and vestibular therapy can help with many of them. Our skilled and compassionate team of therapists at Valley View Hospital are committed to delivering superior care by accurately assessing and treating the root cause of your dizziness.

To learn more about vestibular therapy and how it may benefit you, reach out to one of our rehab locations at one of the numbers below:

Vertigo: a common and treatable cause of dizziness

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a type of dizziness often felt as an intense spinning sensation when changing position, such as lying down or rolling over in bed. It will affect about half of adults over 50 at some point in their lifetime.

  • What Causes BPPV?
    The inner ear contains calcium crystals which help sense head position. Sometimes, calcium crystals become dislodged and end up in one or more of the semicircular canals of the inner ear, causing BPPV. Movement of these crystals when the head moves is what triggers the dizziness, imbalance and, for some people, even nausea.
  • How is BPPV treated?
    Treatment usually involves rolling the head in a precise series of maneuvers designed to move the calcium deposits out of the semi-circular canals. Your therapist will look for nystagmus, a characteristic “beating” movement of the eyes, in specific head positions to diagnose BPPV and determine the correct series of head movements to treat it.

Vestibular therapy is highly effective and is the preferred treatment for BPPV. With treatment, symptoms can often be resolved in just a few visits.

Vestibular therapy for other kinds of dizziness

There are many other causes of dizziness, including problems with vision, the neck, sensation in the feet, the inner ear or its nerve. Other causes of dizziness may be due to problems in the parts of the brain that control balance, or even related to migraine headaches.

The goal of vestibular therapy is to reduce symptoms of dizziness and help improve your balance. Treatment may include:

  • Eye exercises to improve your ability to coordinate eye and head movement
  • Balance exercises to improve your safety and steadiness while standing and walking
  • Habituation exercises to reduce motion sensitivity
  • Core strengthening and cardiovascular conditioning to improve systemic resilience and functional capacity

A physical therapy referral is required from your health care provider for vestibular therapy. It is important to discuss your symptoms with your health care provider as some of causes of dizziness are best managed by a combination of vestibular therapy and medication, and with coordination between specialists which may also include neurology, ENT, and vision professionals.
