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Help Our Fight Against COVID-19

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Help Our Fight Against COVID-19

Valley View is responding daily to the evolving needs of the COVID-19 response. As community members, the most important thing you can do to help is to follow public health guidelines by practicing social distancing and staying healthy and well at home.

If you would like to support us in others ways in the fight against COVID-19, here is how you can help:

1. Send a note of thanks and encouragement to frontline staff via We are sharing these messages daily with our teams. Staff love to hear these notes and they are helping to brighten their days.
2. Donate to our COVID-19 Response Fund. A Response Fund was created on March 23, 2020 to aid Valley View in addressing the emerging needs related to COVID-19. From specialized batteries for the protective suits our frontline healthcare workers wear to construction of more patient rooms with negative airflow, your gift will support the variety of needs related to Valley View’s COVID-19 response. Donate today.
3. Buy lunch (or dinner) for our care givers. Many local businesses have donated a meal to the 45 people on each shift who work in Emergency Department, Acute Care, Critical Care and Environmental Services. It’s as easy as contacting your favorite restaurant and arranging delivery. We ask that all deliveries are large enough to feed 45 people so no one is left out. This gift helps our local restaurants greatly and shows staff how much the community cares about them. Please contact John Quinn for details via

PPE Donations

We thank the community for its generous donations of PPE. As we have continued to work through the COVID-19 pandemic, our supplies have stabilized so we no longer need these donations. We are very grateful as these are key resources that protect our patients and staff. Thanks to the entire community for the incredible support!

If you have a question about a donation or other ways to support, please call us at 970.384.7632.

We’re all in this together.