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Valley View Will Lead Partner Agencies Through Full Scale Hospital Evacuation Exercise on Tuesday, June 11

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Valley View Will Lead Partner Agencies Through Full Scale Hospital Evacuation Exercise on Tuesday, June 11

On Tuesday, June 11, Valley View will conduct a full-scale evacuation exercise at their main hospital campus in Glenwood Springs. Carried out by Valley View’s Safety, Security and Emergency Management department, the evacuation exercise is designed to train employees and community agencies to react if they are ever confronted with a situation in which there is an immediate need to evacuate the hospital.

The evacuation exercise will simulate a wildfire encroaching upon the hospital and the need for evacuation. Employees will practice evacuating the facility using volunteers to act as patients, including the use of med sleds for those in acute and critical care.

Participating agencies and organizations will test their own response protocol, including regional health care facilities practicing for surge capacity. A total list of participating agencies include:

  • Carbondale Rural Fire Protection District
  • Classic Air Medical
  • Colorado Canyons Hospital & Medical Center
  • Colorado River Fire Rescue District
  • Eagle County Paramedic Services
  • Glenwood Springs Fire Department
  • Glenwood Community Center
  • Grand River Health
  • Garfield County Communications
  • Garfield County Public Health
  • Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA)
  • St. Mary’s Hospital
  • Vail Health

“These types of exercises allow us to test our strengths and improve our weaknesses during stressful and often-times life-saving emergency situations,” says Josh Anderson, Manager of Safety, Security and Emergency Management at Valley View. “The Lake Christine Fire last summer demonstrated how quickly a fire can be on your doorstep and we need to prepare for that.”