Mindful Recovery

Here is how the University of Washington founders describe MBRP:

“The program is designed to bring practices of mindful awareness to individuals who have suffered from the addictive trappings and tendencies of the mind. MBRP practices are intended to foster increased awareness of triggers, destructive habitual patterns, and “automatic” reactions that seem to control many of our lives. The mindfulness practices in MBRP are designed to help us pause, observe present experience, and bring awareness to the range of choices before each of us in every moment. We learn to respond in ways that serves us, rather than react in ways that are detrimental to our health and happiness. Ultimately, we are working towards freedom from deeply ingrained and often catastrophic habits.”

YRC will skillfully adapt the typical 8-week MBRP program to best need the needs of our teens and our schedule. The group will meet once a week with the expectation of practicing guided mindfulness exercises between weekly sessions as a way of deepening their practice. When our clients return home, they can reference a website (that contains audio files of guided practices) we created to support those who benefit from MBRP in recovery.

The primary goals of MBRP are:

1. Develop awareness of personal triggers and habitual reactions, and learn ways to create a pause in this seemingly automatic process.

2. Change our relationship to discomfort, learning to recognize challenging emotional and physical experiences and responding to them in skillful ways.

3. Foster a nonjudgmental, compassionate approach toward ourselves and our experiences.

4. Build a lifestyle that supports both mindfulness practice and recovery.

To learn more about the benefits of MBRP, please click Here.