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Screening and Wellness

What Is Screening/Wellness?

Our accomplished team of radiologists of Imaging at Valley View in Glenwood Springs, Colorado is pleased to offer various screenings and wellness exams for men and women. A screening or wellness test utilizes various imaging scans, like CTs and/or MRIs, to attain helpful data to determine the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and other diseases. The overall goal is to gain a better understanding of your current health and whether treatment is necessary. We also invite you to view our CT and MRI page to learn more.

Types of Screenings

Imaging at Valley View in Glenwood Springs, Colorado offers the following:

  • Bone Density Scan (DEXA)
  • Cardiac screenings
  • Low dose lung screening
  • Dense Breast US using Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS)

Why Is It Used?

A wellness screening is often performed to evaluate the current state of your health and/or severity of your condition. For example, with a bone density scan (DEXA), we are able to capture images of your bones to determine how strong they are, the results of a fracture or injury, and the amount of bone loss that has occurred over time. This helps us to create a detailed report for your primary care provider so you can move forward with treatment or therapy.

Procedure Details?

The screening will vary for each patient, depending on the scan that is ordered by your doctor and your unique condition. In some cases, your primary care provider may also order lab and genetic testing to better understand your case. At our facility, we offer CTs and MRIs to attain images, which are noninvasive tests that are quick and offer immediate results. Our registered technologists will guide you through your screening process and ensure that you are as comfortable as possible.

Benefits and Risks?

There are minimal risks with a CT and MRI scan. Although you will be exposed to a small amount of radiation during a CT, an MRI does not use ionizing radiation. If a health screening is ordered by your doctor, then it’s because they think the benefits of gaining a clearer diagnosis with an imaging exam is worth significantly more than the low adverse reactions of being exposed to slight amounts of radiation.

Personalized Service

Our team at Imaging at Valley View works diligently to provide personalized and compassionate service to every patient. If you need to schedule a health screening, call our office in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. We pride ourselves on giving our patients the attention and trusted care they deserve.

Call Us 970-384-7640
