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Lactation Services

Our lactation consultants are wonderful resources and can assist you, if any of these situations apply to you:

  • You are going back to work and want to keep nursing?
  • Do you need expert breastfeeding support and care to?
  • Eliminate pain and sore nipples
  • Increase your milk supply
  • Nurse single, twin, or triplet babies
  • Nurse an infant with medical needs
  • Explore breastfeeding options for adoptions

We offer comprehensive, personalized care for nursing mothers and families. Our team of experts will support you every step of the way.

  • Do you have any questions about breastfeeding or pumping?
  • Would you like to know how to get off to a good breastfeeding start?
  • Have you wondered if you should stop breastfeeding or have been told to?
  • Are you simply seeking reassurance from compassionate professionals?

We are here to provide expert advice in a compassionate, caring environment tailored to your lifestyle and unique needs.

Lactation line 970.384.7233
Leave a message if no one answers

Chat Time — Is a support group for new moms. It is every Monday from 10 am to 12 pm in the Family Birthplace This is a program run by our lactation consultants.

Baby Friendly Certification

Baby Friendly means doing what’s best for you and your baby.

The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative assists hospitals in giving new mothers the information, confidence, and skills necessary to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies, or safely feed with formula, and give special recognition to hospitals who are upholding the highest standards of infant feeding care. In cases where patients have a medical indication, or parents have made an informed decision to use formula, the safe preparation and feeding of formula is provided to mothers.

The Family Birthplace at Valley View is proud to be designated a Baby-Friendly facility.

As a Baby-Friendly facility, your newborn baby will be placed on your chest for immediate bonding. This includes skin to skin contact immediately after birth and throughout your baby’s stay.

Skin-to-skin benefits:
• Better breastfeeding
• Helps your baby’s temperature remain normal
• Helps your baby keep normal heart and breathing rates
• Helps your baby’s blood sugar remain normal
• Less stress for you and your baby
• Your baby will cry less

Baby-Friendly at Valley View Hospital means:
• Hospital staff know how to support breastfeeding mothers
• Hospital procedures and practices are supportive of breastfeeding
• The best start for baby for long-term good health

The American Academy of Pediatrics and healthcare providers recommend exclusive breastfeeding for six months, followed by continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced, with breastfeeding continuing for one year or longer.

Breastfeeding benefits compared to formula fed babies:
• Fewer ear infections
• Fewer stomach problems and diarrhea
• Fewer lung infections
• Less risk of diabetes, childhood cancers and obesity
• Less allergies and asthma
• Increased I.Q.

Mother benefits:
• Reduce risk of high blood pressure, breast/ovarian cancer, heart disease, and diabetes
• Strengthens bones
• Lose weight gained during pregnancy

Additional benefits:
• It saves money!
• It’s convenient! Always with you and ready to go
• It’s always ready! Little to pack when you leave home and always the right temperature

Successful breastfeeding begins with:
• Support from hospital staff
• Breastfeeding within one hour after birth
• Babies staying in mother’s room 24 hours a day
• Feeding based on baby’s cues
• limited use of pacifiers until breastfeeding is established
• Breastfeeding support after going home
• Pumping support