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Oral Cancer

About Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a disease that affects the oral cavity, which includes the mouth, tongue, interior lining of the cheeks, and soft tissues inside the mouth. At Calaway•Young Cancer Center, our board-certified oncologists utilize a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment of oral cancer. We also collaborate with other medical specialists at Valley View Hospital in Glenwood Springs, CO to provide patients with unparalleled care. If you have been referred to our practice or are searching for a seasoned oncologist, we invite you to call Calaway•Young Cancer Center today. Our team is here to serve you.

Types of Oral Cancer

Mouth cancer refers to malignancies that develop on areas inside the mouth, such as:

  • Lips
  • Gums
  • Tongue
  • Inner lining of the cheeks
  • Floor or roof of the mouth


Oral cancer arises when there is a genetic mutation of the cells within the oral cavity. The exact cause of this abnormality is unknown, but there are some factors that can increase one’s risk of oral cancer. These include a poor diet, excessive sun exposure to the lips, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), and HPV infection (sexually transmitted disease).


Some possible signs and symptoms of oral cancer may include:

  • Mouth ulcers or sores that do not heal
  • White or dark red patches on the inside of the mouth or tongue
  • A growth or lump inside the mouth
  • Unexplained ear, neck, jaw, or throat pain
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Loose teeth
  • Poorly fitting dentures
  • Hoarse throat

Treatment Options

At Calaway•Young Cancer Center, we offer several treatment options for men and women who are battling oral cancer. Our services include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and surgery. The treatment used will vary per patient and multiple therapies may be combined to effectively treat oral cancer. Each therapy has varying risks and side effects, which will be discussed during your private treatment planning session.

Get Treated Today

If you or your loved one has been recently diagnosed with oral cancer, we invite you to call Calaway•Young Cancer Center. Our cancer team will work diligently to provide exceptional service you can depend on. We will also take our time to sit down with you and your family to help educate you on all your options and what may be the most effective treatment approach for your unique case.
